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Healthy avocado and noodle salad bowl.

Discover the Ultimate Buddha Bowl with Dried Kelp Noodles: A Healthy Feast for Your Taste Buds!

The Perfect Fusion of Flavour and Nutrition

There’s a world of wholesome goodness tucked into every serving of a Buddha Bowl. Known for their vibrant colours, fresh ingredients, and balanced nutrients, Buddha Bowls have grown from a niche health trend to a staple in kitchens around the globe. And at the heart of our culinary delight today lies an unassuming star—dried kelp noodles.

Dried kelp noodles, a sea vegetable marvel, bring a delightful crunch and a myriad of health benefits to this dish. Complimenting an array of vegetables, protein sources, and dressings, these noodles transform a simple meal into a nourishing feast. They’re rich in iodine, low in calories, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, embodying the very philosophy of eating well to live well.

Healthy avocado and noodle salad bowl.
Buddha Bowl Create Local Food Market Co Web

At Local Food Market Co, our mission goes beyond just providing ingredients; we aim to connect you with local producers who pour their passion and dedication into every morsel they offer. Promoting locally sourced, healthy fare isn’t just a tagline—it’s a commitment to quality, community, and wellbeing.

Embark on this culinary journey with us and discover how a thoughtfully crafted Buddha Bowl can be a testament to both flavour and nutrition, perfectly encapsulated by the unique allure of dried kelp noodles.

The Nutritional Powerhouse of Dried Kelp Noodles

When you think of noodles, you might envision carb-laden plates of pasta. But dried kelp noodles flip that notion on its head. These translucent, sea-derived wonders are more than just a substitute; they’re a nutritional powerhouse.

First off, let’s talk about calories—or rather, the lack of them. Dried kelp noodles are incredibly low in calories, making them an excellent choice for those mindful of their waistlines. Yet, they don’t skimp on satisfaction. With a pleasant crunch and a subtle, refreshing taste, they can elevate any dish with minimal caloric impact.

Then there’s the iodine. Essential for thyroid health, iodine is often overlooked in modern diets. Dried kelp noodles are naturally rich in this vital mineral, supporting your metabolism and energy levels. It’s like giving your body a gentle nudge to keep things running smoothly.

And we can’t forget the other essential nutrients packed into these sea treasures. From calcium to magnesium, dried kelp noodles offer a bounty of minerals that contribute to overall well-being. They are especially beneficial for bone health, helping to maintain strength and vitality as part of a balanced diet.

Incorporating dried kelp noodles into your meals is akin to bringing a piece of the ocean’s goodness to your plate. Whether you’re whipping up a quick lunch or crafting an elaborate dinner, these noodles fit seamlessly into a healthy lifestyle without compromising on flavour or nutrition. So why not make the switch? Your body—and your taste buds—will thank you.

Supporting Local Food Producers, One Bowl at a Time

When you choose to source your ingredients locally through Local Food Market Co., you’re not just picking up groceries; you’re embracing a community-driven philosophy that benefits everyone. There’s a unique charm and authenticity that comes from knowing where your food originates, who grows it, and how it’s nurtured.

Local produce isn’t just about reducing food miles—although that’s a remarkable benefit. It’s about connecting with our roots, quite literally. By supporting local farmers, we foster a sense of community resilience. We ensure that the money we spend circulates within our region or state, providing jobs and sustaining livelihoods. 

Take, for example, Sarah from Sunny Grove Farm. Sarah’s been cultivating organic vegetables for over a decade, and her passion shines through in every vibrant carrot and leafy green she harvests. When you purchase your kale or carrots from Sarah, you’re not just feeding yourself. You’re nourishing a farmer’s dedication, supporting sustainable farming practices, and contributing to the local economy.

There’s also an unbeatable freshness that comes from locally-sourced ingredients. Picture biting into a juicy tomato that was still on the vine mere hours ago, its flavour bursting forth in a way that long-haul imported produce simply can’t match. This freshness translates to higher nutritional value, too, as vitamins and minerals haven’t had time to degrade during transport.

So next time you dive into your Buddha Bowl with dried kelp noodles, remember the story behind each ingredient. From the farmer’s field to your kitchen table, every bite is a testament to the power of community and the importance of supporting local.

Fresh, Vibrant, and Wholesome Ingredients

When crafting the perfect Buddha Bowl, every ingredient becomes a brushstroke on the vibrant canvas of your plate. This dish is all about celebrating the freshest produce and wholesome flavours that nourish both the body and soul. At the heart of this masterpiece are the dried kelp noodles – a nutrient-rich alternative to traditional pasta that brings a unique texture and a touch of the ocean’s bounty to each bite.

Our Buddha Bowl begins with a bed of mixed greens, like spinach, kale, and rocket, which are packed with vitamins A, C, and K. These leafy powerhouses not only provide essential nutrients but also add a fresh, slightly peppery taste that forms the perfect base for our bowl.

Next, we layer in a variety of colourful vegetables. Carrots, thinly sliced into delicate ribbons, offer a sweet crunch and are an excellent source of beta-carotene and fibre. Avocados add creamy richness and are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Red cabbage, finely shredded, contributes a satisfying crispness and a beautiful violet hue, along with plenty of antioxidants.

For a protein boost, we include chickpeas, roasted to golden perfection. These little legumes are not only delicious but also full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Sprinkling them with a pinch of paprika before roasting enhances their flavour and adds a smoky undertone to the bowl.

Of course, we mustn’t forget our cornerstone ingredient: dried kelp noodles. These translucent strands are incredibly low in calories and rich in iodine, which supports thyroid function. Their slightly briny taste pairs wonderfully with the fresh vegetables and tangy dressing, tying the whole dish together.

Locally-sourced ingredients elevate the Buddha Bowl from a simple meal to an act of supporting community and sustainability. When you shop through Local Food Market Co, you can be confident that you’re getting the freshest, highest-quality produce while contributing to local farmers and artisans.

Creating Your Buddha Bowl Masterpiece

Making a Buddha Bowl at home is a delightful experience that brings a sense of culinary creativity and mindfulness into your kitchen. The process is straightforward and allows for plenty of personalisation, ensuring that each bowl you create is uniquely your own.

Start by preparing your dried kelp noodles according to the package instructions. As they soak, you’ll begin building your bowl. Lay down a generous handful of mixed greens as your base, letting the various textures and shades of green bring life to your plate.

Julienne your carrots, dice the avocados, and shred the red cabbage, arranging them in vibrant sections around the bowl. Each vegetable should stand out, creating a rainbow of colours that’s as pleasing to the eyes as it is to the palate.

Once your kelp noodles are ready, gently toss them in a splash of sesame oil and arrange them atop the greens and vegetables. The noodles’ translucent beauty will add an elegant touch to your creation.

Now it’s time to prepare the chickpeas. After draining and rinsing them, spread them on a baking sheet, sprinkle them with paprika, and roast until they’re deliciously crunchy. Once done, scatter them over the bowl, adding a nutty, smoky element that complements the fresh veggies beautifully.

Finally, whip up a quick dressing – perhaps a simple blend of lemon juice, tahini, and a dash of soy sauce. Drizzle it generously over your bowl, ensuring every component gets a hint of zesty goodness.

The magic of a Buddha Bowl lies in its balance – the combination of textures, flavours, and nutrients that come together to form a meal that’s both satisfying and wholesome. As you dig in, the interplay of crunchy, creamy, and chewy elements offers a delightful eating experience that nourishes you from the inside out.### Ready to Dive In? 

Here’s the Recipe!

This creamy noodle dish is one of my favourites to order when I eat out at raw, vegan restaurants. I first tried it at Café Gratitude in Los Angeles with my mate Faustina — we went after a yoga class, so it was the perfect end to a pretty sweet day. This creation is brill for weight loss for a few reasons-one, the good fats it contains help to keep you full and two, the kelp noodles are full of fibre, so you feel like you’re having a carby meal even though they are actually super low in calories.

Buddha Bowl


  1. Place the kelp noodles in a colander and give them a good rinse under cold running water. Set aside. Pop the avos. Garlic, olive oil. maca nuts (saving a few for the top) lemon juice, chilli flakes and basil in a blender or food processor and whizz together until you have a creamy green paste.
  2. Add the kelp noodles to a large bowl and pour over the creamy avo sauce, then toss everything together well. Add the olives and cherry tomatoes and season to taste (you probably won't need to add too much salt as the olives make this quite salty already), then give everything another good mix about.
  3. Chop the reserved maca nuts really finely, then sprinkle them over the bowl to finish. Now ask yourself. ‘what am I grateful for today?' before tucking into this awesome meal.


Serves 2

  • RAW

Creating a Buddha Bowl is not just about assembling ingredients; it’s about crafting a symphony of flavours, textures, and colours that dance harmoniously on your plate. The key to this delightful dish lies in its simplicity and versatility. 

Start with a base that cradles the bowl’s essence. Dried kelp noodles, packed with a whisper of oceanic freshness, provide a low-calorie, nutrient-rich foundation. Layer upon this bed, an assortment of vibrant vegetables—think crisp cucumber slices, vibrant cherry tomatoes bursting with sweetness, and thinly shredded carrots adding a crunch that echoes with each bite. 

Add a scoop of protein-rich chickpeas, roasted to golden perfection with a hint of smoky paprika. Crown it all with creamy avocado slices, their subtle richness perfectly contrasting the tangy lemon-tahini dressing drizzled generously over the bowl. Each ingredient tells a story, sourced locally and sustainably, reflecting the dedication of Local Food Market Co to bring you the finest produce.

My Buddha Bowl Adventure

Crafting my first Buddha Bowl was like stepping into a culinary playground. I remember spreading out all the fresh ingredients on the kitchen counter, each item whispering promises of health and vitality. There was a sense of anticipation, akin to opening a treasure chest filled with nature’s bounty.

As I chopped, sliced, and roasted, I found myself immersed in the rhythm of cooking—a meditative process blending care and creativity. The moment I took my first bite, I was hooked. The pop of the cherry tomatoes, the crunch of the cucumbers, and the silky smoothness of the avocado all merged, creating a festive dance of flavours in my mouth.

For those new to Buddha Bowls, here are a few tips from my adventures in bowl-making:

1. Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to experiment with seasonal veggies or proteins. Swap chickpeas for lentils or tofu for variety.

2. Dress It Up: The dressing can make or break your bowl. A simple lemon-tahini blend or a spicy peanut sauce can add layers of flavour.

3. Texture Play: Balance soft and crunchy textures. Toasted nuts or seeds can add a delightful crunch.

4. Go Colourful: The more colours, the better. Aim for a rainbow on your plate to maximise nutrition and visual appeal.

The beauty of Buddha Bowls lies in their adaptability. Whether you’re tossing in leftover veggies or trying out a new flavour profile, each bowl is a masterpiece of wholesome goodness waiting to be savoured.

Eating Healthily with Every Bite

When it comes to nourishing our bodies, every bite counts. The Buddha Bowl with dried kelp noodles isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s a nutritional powerhouse meticulously crafted to support a balanced lifestyle. The vibrant medley of fresh vegetables, protein-rich legumes, and the star of the show—dried kelp noodles—ensures you get a well-rounded meal that satisfies both your taste buds and your nutritional needs.

Dried kelp noodles are low in calories but brimming with vital nutrients such as iodine, which is essential for thyroid function. Pair this with a rainbow of locally-sourced veggies, and you’ve got a dish that’s as wholesome as it is delicious. Carrots, rich in beta-carotene, mingle with the vitamin-packed kale, while creamy slices of avocado add healthy fats. A sprinkle of sesame seeds not only adds crunch but also delivers a dose of essential minerals.

Together, these ingredients create a harmonious blend that supports energy levels, aids digestion, and keeps you feeling satisfied without any guilt. The Buddha Bowl embodies mindful eating, encouraging us to slow down, enjoy our food, and appreciate the myriad benefits each ingredient brings to the table.

Join the Healthy Eating Revolution!

Are you ready to elevate your dining experience and contribute to a healthier planet? Share your own Buddha Bowl creations on social media using the hashtag #LocalFoodMarketEats, and let’s build a community of health-conscious food lovers together. Your feedback is invaluable—drop a comment below to share your thoughts or leave tips for fellow readers. 

Explore more recipes and discover the plethora of fresh, locally-sourced ingredients available at Local Food Market Co. By making thoughtful choices, you’re not just nourishing yourself but also supporting local farmers and their families.

Let’s make every meal a celebration of health, community, and flavour! 🌱🥗