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Use your fruit and veg shop to eat seasonally

When was the last time you ate seasonally? We’re so used to the convenience of eating what we want, when we want, thanks to imported fruit and vegetables from all over the world, that we’ve forgotten the joys of eating in season.

If you can remember the excitement of eating freshly picked fruit as a kid, you’ll understand what we mean. Cast your mind back to when you picked ripe, juicy fruit straight off the tree or plucked vegetables from your garden. Didn’t fruit and vegetables taste so much better then?

In this post, we take a look at why freshly picked fruit and vegetables are tastier, along with the other real benefits of eating seasonally.

You can also find out how easy it is to eat according to the seasons with fresh fruit and veg delivered right to your front door.

What’s great about eating in season?

Eating fruit and vegetables in season offers a whole range of benefits. Let’s take a closer look.

It’s tasty

There’s a reason why in-season fruit and vegetables taste better. If you buy produce that has been grown far from home, chances are it will have been harvested early, then chilled in storage and finally warmed up in hothouses to finish the ripening process. Each of these stages affects the flavour and texture of your fruit or vegetables.

But when produce is harvested when it’s ripe and consumed quickly, it will contain just the right levels of natural sugars and nutrients, making it tasty and good for you too.

It’s cheaper

If you eat produce that has been harvested locally, it won’t incur costs associated with storage and transport.

It makes perfect sense that fruit and vegetables grown close to you will not only be tastier, but easier on your budget!

It’s better for you

When fruit and vegetables are harvested out of your area and stored for long periods, they will naturally decline in nutrients such as: 

  • vitamin C 
  • carotenes – pigments found in brightly coloured plants which protect your body from disease 
  • folate – one of the B vitamins essential for your metabolism and cell growth

They may also be treated with preservatives to lengthen their life or radiation to kill bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms while they are being transported and stored.

Eating freshly harvested food negates the need for this treatment and means that you are not unnecessarily consuming added substances that have no nutritional value.

It’s kinder to the planet

Aside from all the benefits of eating seasonal produce, the planet gets a great deal too!

Eating fruit and vegetables grown close to you means that there is less pollution from transport, refrigeration, warming due to hothouse use, and irradiation.

It all adds up to a healthier consumer and a happier planet.

How can I eat seasonally from a fruit shop near me?

Eating seasonally is something anyone can do, and it’s as easy as logging in an online shop.

If you’re wondering “Is there a fruit and veg shop near me?” or looking for fruit and veg box delivery in Melbourne, then check out the Local Food Market Co, your online fresh fruit and veg shop.

The Local Food Market Co lets you do your fruit and veg shopping from the comfort of your home and delivers it straight to your door.

Enjoy seasonal and quality fresh fruit and vegetables with the added satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting local businesses.

Checkout these great fresh fruit and veg shop that comes straight to you.