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Duck Curry



    1. Preheat the oven to 200(degree)C (400(degree)F). Place the duck on a rack in a baking dish and prick the skin all over, especially where it is fatty. Bake for 1 hour or until the duck is a golden brown colour. Set aside to cool.
    2. Place the chillies and curry paste in a frying pan over low heat and cook for 1 minute. Add the stock, star anise and cinnamon and simmer for 3 minutes. Cut the cooked duck into pieces with a sharp pair of scissors and add coconut cream to the curry. Simmer for 6 minutes, turning occasionally.
    3. Place some duck and curry sauce in each bowl and serve with steamed jasmine rice.
    4. You can use an already barbecued duck from an Asian butcher instead of cooking one yourself.


    Serves 4.