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Boost your family’s immunity with your fresh fruit and veg delivery

If there’s one thing the current pandemic has taught us, it’s that our health is precious. While we can’t control everything, it’s good to know that boosting our family’s immunity is something we can effortlessly do to protect against disease.

The good news is that you can strengthen your immune system, thanks to your fruit and veg shop. Everyday produce is packed with health-boosting vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help fight disease.

What’s even better news is that fruit and veg delivery in Melbourne is easier than you think! Read on to know more about which fruit and vegetables can boost your immune system and how easy door-to-door fruit and veg delivery can be.

Which fruit and vegetables are best for my family’s immune system?

If you’re looking to boost your immunity with locally grown produce, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Check out these super fruits and vegetables to give you a healthy head start.

Citrus fruit


Any of the citrus fruits — lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit — are packed full of vitamin C, which has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The vitamin also plays an essential role in creating white blood cells which protect against disease.


This spring fruit is supercharged with so many nutritional goodness:

  • vitamin C 
  • anti-inflammatory enzymes that help keep the digestive system healthy 
  • folate that is vital for cell growth 
  • potassium, an essential mineral that ensures your heart, brain, nerves, and muscles work properly 
  • vitamins A and B, which strengthen your immune system

Kiwi fruit

Small but mighty, the kiwi fruit is your secret weapon in the fight against disease. It contains vitamins C, E (packed with antioxidants which fight disease), and K (keeping your bones and heart healthy), as well as potassium and folate.


Aside from being endowed with vitamins, watermelon also contains a substance called lycopene, which has been linked to protecting against some types of cancer and keeping your heart healthy. This fruit is vital in the fight against disease.



These luscious fruits not only taste good, but they also have an exceptionally high concentration of antioxidants to help fight disease — 10 times the amount found in tomatoes! — and are bursting with vitamin C.



Garlic is a top immunity-booster, which can be added to many of your dishes. Organosulfides and vitamin D stimulate the immune system, while its antibacterial qualities help keep infections at bay.


Tomatoes contain a range of vitamins, including A and C, which fight free radicals and protect against disease. They are also known for their lycopene content which can help prevent cancer and their fibre that keeps the gut and immune system healthy.


As well as being packed with vitamins and antioxidants, broccoli contains choline, a compound which ensures that your cells function properly and keeps bacteria in the gut in check to prevent infection.


The beta carotene present in carrots helps your body’s mucus membranes function at their optimum. These membranes stop bacteria from getting into the bloodstream, and so are essential in keeping you healthy and infection-free.


These versatile vegetables are rich in zinc, which is known to boost the production of white blood cells. The shiitake, reishi, and maitake varieties are considered to have the highest levels of immune-boosting nutrients.

How can a fruit and veg shop near me help boost my family’s immunity?

It’s never been easier to get all your immune-boosting fresh grocery home delivery in Melbourne.

Your online fresh fruit and veg shop, the Local Food Market Co, brings together your favourite local suppliers to offer quick and easy delivery to your door.

And know that by buying from the Local Food Market Co, you are supporting local businesses and helping the planet by keeping transport to a minimum.

For any questions, reach out to our team to find out more about ordering a fresh and healthy immunity boost straight to your door.