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Grilled chicken, cauliflower, and carrots on plates.

Experience the Culinary Delight of Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken

There’s something exceptionally rewarding about creating a dish that not only delights the palate but also aligns with a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Our Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken with Roasted Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots is just that—a harmonious blend of flavours and nutrients, all while supporting local farmers and businesses.

This recipe highlights the sensual dance between tender, thyme-infused chicken and the rich, caramelised notes of roasted cauliflower and heirloom carrots. The choice of free-range chicken is pivotal here, delivering unmatched taste and nutritional benefits. Sourcing local ingredients from trusted Australian businesses ensures that every bite is fresh and flavourful while contributing to a more sustainable food system.

Grilled chicken, cauliflower, and carrots on plates.
Thyme Poached Chicken With Roasted Cauliflower – Local Food Market Co Web

Why Choose Free-Range Chicken?

The decision to use free-range chicken in your cooking goes beyond mere preference; it is a conscious choice that impacts taste, nutrition, and animal welfare. Free-range chickens enjoy a life with ample space to roam and forage, resulting in leaner meat with superior flavour and texture. This freedom translates directly to the plate where each mouthful resonates with quality and care.

Incorporating free-range chicken isn’t just beneficial for your taste buds; it supports local farmers who are dedicated to humane and sustainable farming practices. By choosing free-range, you are endorsing a cycle of responsible consumption and production. This choice, rooted in ethical considerations, has tangible benefits not only for the animals but also for the environment. Sustainable farming practices reduce the carbon footprint, making your dining choices as kind to the planet as they are to your body.

Supporting local businesses, such as those featured on platforms like Local Food Market Co, means you are directly contributing to your community’s economy. Each purchase from local suppliers strengthens the bond between consumer and producer, fostering a network of trust and mutual benefit. The welfare-centric approach of these farmers ensures that the chicken on your plate is as wholesome as it is delicious, embodying a collective effort towards a healthier, more sustainable food future

Packed with Nutrients: A Balanced Meal for a Healthy Lifestyle

A well-rounded meal is not just about satisfying hunger; it’s about nourishing your body with a harmonious blend of flavours and nutrients. Enter Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken with Roasted Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots—a dish that exemplifies this balance effortlessly. This isn’t your average dinner; it’s a symphony of wholesome ingredients that work in unison to deliver both taste and health benefits.

The thyme-poached chicken takes centre stage, offering a lean source of high-quality protein essential for muscle repair and growth. Poaching in thyme-infused broth locks in not only moisture but a subtle herbal undertone, transforming each bite into a succulent delight. With free-range chicken, you’re choosing a superior quality of meat, rich in essential amino acids and lower in unhealthy fats compared to its mass-produced counterparts.

Roasted cauliflower adds another dimension, turning into crispy, caramelised florets that are teeming with antioxidants like Vitamin C and phytonutrients that support overall wellness. Heirloom carrots, with their varying hues and unique flavours, are a treasure trove of beta-carotene, fibre, and potassium. The roasting process amplifies their natural sugars, offering a tantalising sweetness that complements the savoury notes of the chicken.

This dish is a veritable powerhouse, designed to fit seamlessly into a healthy diet. It provides a balanced ratio of macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fats—while being packed with micronutrients that nourish the body. It’s perfect for those who are fitness enthusiasts or anyone who seeks to eat more mindfully. 

Eating a well-balanced meal is akin to fuelling your body with premium petrol; you’re actively supporting better energy levels, improved mood, and robust health. By incorporating dishes like Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken with Roasted Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots into your diet, you’re investing in a lifestyle where each meal contributes positively to your well-being.

Mastering the Technique: Perfectly Poached Free-Range Chicken

Poaching chicken may seem like a straightforward cooking method, but mastering it transforms an ordinary piece of poultry into a tender, flavourful masterpiece. The art of poaching lies in its gentle, moist heat which allows the chicken to cook evenly while preserving its delicate texture and inherent flavours.

Begin by selecting choice cuts of free-range chicken, ensuring they are fresh and of high quality. The poaching liquid should be prepared with care, usually consisting of water or broth infused with aromatic herbs, spices, and seasonings. Thyme, in particular, plays a starring role in our recipe; its subtle earthy notes weave through the chicken, creating a delicate fragrance and enhancing the overall taste.

Submerge the chicken in the poaching liquid, ensuring it is completely covered, and maintain a gentle simmer—a slow, lazy bubble rather than a rolling boil. This low-and-slow method is crucial, as it prevents the proteins from seizing up, resulting in tougher meat. Patience is key: allow the chicken to cook through gradually, absorbing the essence of the thyme and other aromatics until it becomes perfectly succulent.

One of the significant advantages of poaching is its ability to retain moisture. Unlike dry heat methods such as grilling or roasting, poaching envelops the chicken in a constant cocoon of humidity. The result is juicy, tender meat that falls apart at the touch of a fork, making each bite a delightful experience.

To check for doneness, use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chicken; it should read around 75°C. Once done, let the chicken rest in the poaching liquid for a few minutes before slicing. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring every piece is as moist as possible.

Mastering the art of poaching not only elevates the flavour profile of your chicken but also opens up a world of culinary possibilities. Whether you’re crafting a comforting home-cooked meal or preparing to dazzle guests at a dinner party, perfectly poached chicken is a skill worth honing.### Enhancing Flavours: Roasting Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots

Roasting vegetables is a culinary alchemy that transforms humble ingredients like cauliflower and heirloom carrots into flavour-rich gems. Just as an artist uses a palette of colours, roasting employs heat to intensify and caramelise the natural sugars found in vegetables, turning them into golden, crispy bites of goodness.

To begin, selecting the right produce is key. Seek out heirloom carrots, whose vibrant hues range from deep purple to sunny yellow, each variety offering its own subtle sweetness and texture. Cauliflower, with its sturdy florets, serves as the perfect canvas for roasting. Break the cauliflower into uniform pieces to ensure even cooking, and slice the carrots lengthwise to enhance their rustic charm.

Preheat your oven to 200°C, and prepare a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Toss the cauliflower and carrot slices in a generous drizzle of olive oil, ensuring each piece is well-coated. Season with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of thyme to echo the herbaceous notes of the poached chicken. Spread the vegetables in a single layer on the baking tray to allow for optimal roasting.

As the vegetables roast, their edges will darken and crisp, while the interiors become tender and sweet. This process, akin to a slow dance with the oven’s heat, unlocks flavours that are both complex and comforting. Check halfway through to stir the vegetables, allowing each side to bask in the oven’s warmth.

When the vegetables emerge from the oven, they should be gilded and fragrant, ready to complement the thyme-poached chicken with their robust flavours. The art of roasting lies not merely in the method but in the transformation it brings—simple, wholesome vegetables elevated to centre stage in a nutritious, delectable meal.

Ready to Cook? Here’s How to Make Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken

Preparing a meal that is both nutritious and delightful involves more than just following a recipe; it is about crafting a dish that speaks to the heart and nourishes the body. Our Thyme-Poached Free-Range Chicken with Roasted Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots is designed to do just that, blending simple techniques with high-quality ingredients to create a memorable dining experience.

The process begins with poaching, a gentle cooking method that retains the chicken’s moisture and infuses it with aromatic thyme. Start with a pot of simmering water, seasoned with sprigs of fresh thyme, bay leaves, peppercorns, and a touch of salt. Place the chicken breasts into the pot, ensuring they are fully submerged, and let them cook slowly over low heat. This technique, much like a spa treatment for your poultry, ensures the meat remains tender and flavourful.

While the chicken poaches to perfection, turn your attention to the vegetables, following the roasting method described earlier. The combination of these methods—poaching and roasting—creates a dish that balances textures and flavours, making every bite a delightful contrast of juicy chicken and caramelised vegetables.

Here’s what you can expect from this recipe:

Tender Poached Chicken – Infused with the earthy aroma of thyme, the chicken emerges moist and flavourful.

Roasted Vegetables – Cauliflower and heirloom carrots, roasted to a golden-brown hue, offer a sweet, nutty counterpoint to the savoury chicken.

Nutrient-Rich Ingredients – Each component of this dish is selected not just for taste but for its contribution to a balanced, healthy diet.

This recipe is more than a meal; it’s a celebration of wholesome eating and the joy of cooking with quality, locally sourced ingredients. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that delights the senses and nourishes the soul.

This recipe is a bit of a go-to for me. It’s a clean, light meal that looks great, tastes fantastic and ticks pretty much all of the health boxes. The delicate poached chook delivers all the protein and essential amino acids needed to help provide a sustained energy release, as well as working to help repair and replenish the body’s muscles (making this an awesome post-workout dinner).

Thyme-Poached Chicken with Roasted Cauliflower and Heirloom Carrots


    1. Preheat the oven to 180(degree)C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
    2. For the roasted cauli and carrots, mix the cauliflower, carrots, garlic, olive oil, caraway seeds and lemon juice together in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Arrange the seasoned veg in an even layer on the prepared baking tray and cook for 20 minutes, or until nice and golden.
    3. Meanwhile, add the chicken, onion, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper to a large saucepan filled with water and bring it to the boil over a medium heat. Reduce the heat to a simmer, then cover with a lid and leave to poach for 10 minutes. Remove the chicken from the water and slice into thick strips.
    4. To serve, load up two plates with the roasted veg and sliced poached chicken. Drizzle over a little tahini. sprinkle on some micro basil (if using) and squeeze over a little lemon juice. Enjoy.


    Serves 2

    • PALED

    Shop Locally – Supporting Australian Food Producers

    In a world teeming with convenience, there’s something profoundly enriching about selecting each ingredient with care, knowing its origin, and supporting the hands that cultivated it. When sourcing free-range chicken, cauliflower, and heirloom carrots, the benefits of shopping locally are manifold. 

    Firstly, sourcing from local farmers ensures you receive the freshest produce, often picked or harvested just hours before it reaches your hands. This unparalleled freshness enhances not only the nutritional value but also the flavour profile of your dishes. Free-range chickens, wandering freely on Australian farms, produce meat that is tender and rich in flavour, a true testament to ethical farming practices.

    When you shop with Local Food Market Co’s online marketplace, you’re given access to a treasure trove of local produce, all while supporting your community’s agricultural backbone. This marketplace bridges the gap between consumers and farmers, ensuring transparency in farming practices and quality assurance. By choosing locally sourced ingredients, you champion sustainable farming methods and witness the tangible impact of your choices on the environment and local economy.

    Envision yourself handpicking vibrant heirloom carrots, their hues ranging from deep purple to sunny yellow, each one promising a burst of sweetness after roasting. Or selecting a head of cauliflower, its florets tight and crisp, ready to be transformed into a caramelised masterpiece. Each purchase is a step towards a healthier lifestyle and a stronger community, making your kitchen creations all the more meaningful.

    Perfect Pairings – Elevate Your Meal with Complementary Sides

    While the thyme-poached chicken and roasted vegetables are stars in their own right, pairing them with the right accompaniments can elevate your meal to culinary artistry. Think of complementary sides as the supporting cast that accentuates the main performance, adding depth and nuance to every bite.

    A fresh, tangy side salad with peppery rocket, juicy cherry tomatoes, and a drizzle of balsamic reduction can provide a refreshing contrast to the savoury richness of the chicken and vegetables. Alternatively, a serving of creamy polenta or a simple quinoa pilaf with scattered fresh herbs can offer a delightful texture contrast and soak up the succulent juices from the poached chicken.

    For those who enjoy a touch of indulgence, consider a side of garlic mashed potatoes or a slice of crusty bread to mop up any remaining thyme-infused broth. Each of these options complements the dish without overwhelming it, creating a balanced and satisfying dining experience.

    Don’t forget the beverages! A crisp white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc, can enhance the subtle flavours of thyme and chicken, while a non-alcoholic option like a cold-pressed apple cider can refresh your palate between bites. These pairings ensure that each element of your meal harmonises perfectly, leaving you and your guests with an unforgettable dining experience.

    Celebrate the Story of Farm to Plate

    The journey from farm to plate is a tale that enriches every bite you savour. At the heart of this story are dedicated farmers who pour their passion and effort into raising free-range chickens in an environment that prioritises both quality and welfare. 

    By choosing free-range chicken from farmers, you’re not just purchasing an ingredient; you’re supporting a way of life that respects nature and community. Each piece of chicken reflects the care and ethical farming practices that went into raising it, creating a ripple effect of positive impact. It’s a harmonious dance between tradition and sustainability, bringing wholesome foods to your table while nurturing local economies.

    Enjoy Your Homemade Culinary Masterpiece

    As you embark on creating your thyme-poached free-range chicken with roasted cauliflower and heirloom carrots, know that you’re participating in a culinary celebration that’s both nourishing and meaningful. Relish in the joy of crafting a dish with ingredients that tell stories—stories of local farmers, sustainable practices, and the vibrant produce of our land. Cooking with such thoughtful ingredients not only enhances your meal but also supports a cycle of goodness within our community.

    We invite you to share your experiences and stories as you recreate this nutritious feast in your own kitchen. Whether it’s the compliments at the dinner table or the satisfaction of cooking a healthy meal, these moments are what make the effort worthwhile. So, gather your loved ones, serve up your homemade masterpiece, and take pride in knowing that every bite celebrates quality, locality, and health.

    Bon appétit!